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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Kenya Report pt1

Dear beloved: I am home from Kenya and getting adjusted back to life here in the states, although I must say it will never be quite the same again after seeing Africa and all the transforming experiences we encountered over there. A team of 20 of us, evangelists, musicians, children's ministry people, and administration and logistical people ministered for 10 days in the Nairobi area of Kenya, as well as a couple of days south of Nairobi at the Masai Mara Wildlife refuge.
God blessed me with many opportunities to preach the word and to pray for people, to receive many confessions of faith in Jesus Christ, as well as pray for healing for sick and hurting, even pastors and church leaders who were discouraged and needing a touch from the Lord. At a pastor's meeting in Kibera, the slum district of Nairobi that is home to half a million people, the Lord gave me this verse: Acts 2:22, Peter speaking, Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles, wonders, and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know...
And so as I prayed for these pastors in this meeting, the Lord gave me a word of knowledge that several of them were discouraged and ready to quit, that they were overwhelmed with the burden of their flock and their churches. Several came up for prayer, as they stood before me I had the heart of compassion for them and their flocks... I touched the first one and he got a mighty touch from the Lord that shook him back five feet and put him on the ground. As I went down the line and prayed, all were given a mighty touch from the Lord,strengthening and restoration. The greatest miracle of all is the healing and restoring touch of the power of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the living God. Before the meeting was over I laid hands on all 50 of the pastors in attendence, and God did a mighty work in our midst. Give God the glory!
I have been invited back to preach a series of revival meetings by that group of pastors, the meetings will be held somewhere in Kibera, one of the worst slums in Africa, a place of immense brokenness, AIDS, drug use, alcoholism and glue sniffing, open sewage and trash heaps burning everywhere. Please pray for my return, the timing and for the provision, God has anointed me to preach deliverance to the captives, to bring the good news of the gospel to a desperately hurting world. Thank you for your prayers, God bless you, in Christ, Jim

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