Gather the Outcasts

Check out our web site for upcoming events, audio messages, pictures of mission trips, and other contact information.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Perfect Christmas Gift

 Dear beloved:  Looking for that special Christmas gift for you family or friends?  My recently published book, "Gather the Outcasts: Reaching the Lost in Africa"  would be just the solution for you.  This book covers stories of crusades and revivals over a five year time span in Africa.  Some of the events detailed include crusades in Kibera, the biggest slum in Africa near downtown Nairobi; in Tororo, in Eastern Uganda; and in Goma, the focal point of the rebel army incursions into Eastern Congo.  These stories will inspire you and strengthen your faith, as you read about our powerful God who is mighty to save.
There is still time to order and get delivery before Christmas.  Available in either paperback or ebook version.   Just clik on this link to take you to   For a donation to the ministry of $25.00 or more, I will send you a signed copy of the book.
 Looking back over the last year, I am very grateful for all that the Lord has done.  We have seen many hundreds, possibly thousands, come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior this year in the Africa crusades in Burundi and Congo.  We also give thanks for the purchase of the Living Water Orphange Land in Kenya, where we plan to build a home for fifty orphaned children.  We trust that the Lord will provide for all of our needs, that the coming year will be better than ever!
Thank you again for all your prayers and support.  Your donations have an impact on the eternal destiny of so many. Please contact me if you have any questions or requests.  God bless you!   In Christ, Jim  Gather the Outcasts, Box 92, Norton, KS. 67654     501(c)3 non profit ministry    PayPal @  or   email @             Forward to friends by the link below.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Pray for America

Dear beloved:  Above picture, Ngozi, Burundi Crusade August, 2015.  . We all need to get down on our knees in prayer and intercede for this nation, that our Lord would continue to protect us from the hands of our enemies.  2 Chronicles 7:14
As you consider your year end giving, please keep Gather the Outcasts in mind.  We are 501(c)3 non profit ministry, so all your gifts are automatically tax deductible. I am going to list the primary needs for the coming year, but keep in mind any gift is appreciated, no matter the amount.  So pray about your part, and then get involved.  Sowing into this ministry is sowing into good soil.  The fruits are bountiful.  Just this year in Africa we saw many hundreds of people come to the Lord, and even more get healed and delivered. And the radio broadcasts here in America are reaching thousands on a weekly basis, plus online all over the world.
Ministry needs for 2016:   1.  Orphanage Construction and operations budget, $75,000   2.  Africa crusades in Burundi and Congo, $25,000  3. Travel to Africa and preaching in Kenya  $10,000  4.  Radio Broadcasts in America- Florida and Kansas $5,000  6. Remaining debt from past 3 years crusades $10,000  7. Living expenses $10,000 ( I have leased my farm ground and will not be receiving much income from it.)
Beloved,  The times of birth pangs and sorrows are here, but the time of the plentiful harvest is also here. Matt. 9:37 "The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. v38 Therefore, pray for the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest."  Won't you join me in making an eternal difference in the lives of so many, both here and abroad?  God bless you as you pray about your part.  In Christ, Jim  Gather the Outcasts, Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654  501(c)3  Paypal @  or   You can forward or subscribe by the boxes below.  

Thursday, November 26, 2015

A Grateful Heart

Dear beloved:  Above are three of the sweet children being cared for at the farm of my pastor near Mumias, Kenya.  Their names, left to right, are Shantelle, Regina, and Dellie. They have been left by their parents to the care of the pastor because the parents did not have the means to care for them.  This is a common occurrence all over Africa, children passed off or abandoned due to scarce resources,, or even totally orphaned due to the AIDS epidemic.
We have so much to be thankful here in America.  As you sit down to your bountiful meal this Thanksgiving, and just about every day no matter the occasion, reflect on the bounty we have been given here.  Also reflect on the needs of others less fortunate, who have no big meal, maybe even no meal, to sit down to.   Psalm 103:1 Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name. v2. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits.  Psalm 100:4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name. v5 For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting, and HIs faithfulness to all generations.
Beloved, we have an opportunity given to us by the Lord to help those in need. " When you take care of the least of these among us, the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the sick, the prisoner, and the alien among us," Jesus said, " you also have done it unto Me."  Matt. 25:40. Pray about your part in helping the Living Water Orphanage become a reality for fifty orphaned children. Together we can build it!       Click on this link to see a short video of the orphanage   project:
May the Lord bless you as you give thanks to Him this day.  in Christ, Jim   Gather the Outcasts, Box 92, Norton, Ks 67654 501(c)3   Paypal at  or   If you receive this letter through a forward and want to be on the mailing list, please contact me at

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Gather the Outcasts Impacts Muslims in Africa

Dear beloved:  In light of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, I want to share with you the stories of three former Muslims who have been impacted as a result of Gather the Outcasts Ministry in Africa.  First, I want to say I believe it is imperative that we have a strong national defense to protect our nation against attacks from any enemies who intend to harm us. In addition to that, I believe it is vitally important that we pray for our enemies, and also go to the nations to proclaim the good news of the gospel to these people, for in Jesus Christ alone comes the hope of the longing of their hearts.

Left to right, #1 Stephen was raised in a Muslim family and came forward to accept Jesus at the Mumias, Kenya crusade in 2011 when he was twelve years old.  In addition to accepting Jesus, he wanted to be prayed for that God would heal him of HIV/AIDS, as he had a full blown case of it and was very sick.  I prayed for him, and then took him to the river later that week to be baptized.  The picture above was taken on my recent trip to Kenya.  Stephen is now seventeen, completely healed of AIDS, and is growing strong in his walk with the Lord, as well as in the strength of his body.  He is out every day working on the farm and in the fields. he would like to go on to college, but is needing funds to go.
#2  This is Shadrack, who was my caretaker when I was on the coast of Kenya this year preaching in churches and house fellowships.  Shadrack is a former Muslim who accepted Jesus a few years ago and is now raising his children as Christian in spite of being ostracized by his family.  One day we took a walk on beach, and I asked him about his family.  We then prayed for his family, his mother and father and siblings, to come to know the Lord Jesus as their Savior, and know the joy that Shadrack knows.
#3 The lady in the turquoise shirt is a former Muslim who was saved at the Kibera Crusade in Nairobi in 2011.  While walking through the crusade grounds, fully veiled in her hijab, she stopped to listen to the praise music that was blaring out over the Kamukunji grounds.  As she stayed around to listen to the message, a preacher from Kansas got up to give the life saving message to the crowd, and that night she decided to give her heart to the Lord. It was not an easy decision for her, as it meant total rejection from the friends and family that she knew, but she knew that she could not deny the call the Lord had placed upon her heart through the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. V20 Teaching them all I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support.  God bless you as you pray. In Christ, Jim    Gather the Outcasts, Inc. Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654  501(c)3  Paypal at  If you receive this from a forward link and wish to be on the mailing list, email me at

Saturday, November 14, 2015

new Book from Gather the Outcasts

Dear beloved:  Above is a picture of the cover of the recently published book, "Gather the Outcasts: Reaching the Lost in Africa."  The book is a compilation of stories of revivals and crusades conducted in Africa from the year 2010 to 2014.  You will find many interesting stories witnessing to the power of God, not only to save people and start them on their Christian journey, but also to heal and deliver from the grip of the enemy. You can order this book from amazon, just click this link:   to get it delivered to your doorstep within a few days. It is also available on e-version for those who prefer it to read on their tablet.  This would make a great gift for your family and friends who love the Lord or like to read about missionary adventures.
Each purchase helps to boost the ministry, so I would encourage you to order your copy today.  I have also started writing a second book, so hope to have it out before the next trip back to Africa.  I also have a video presentation ready to present to churches and bible study groups, so please contact me if you would like to have me come share about the Africa mission and the Living Water Orphanage Project in Kenya. You can see a short video on the Living Water Orphanage Project, click on this facebook link and you will see it:
Since returning from Africa in mid October, I have felt the oppressive darkness in America as never before.  The Lord has been speaking this scripture to me from Isaiah 60. " Arise, shine: For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you, v2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. v3 The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising."  Beloved, as the darkness of the end days gets darker, the light in the children of God will get brighter.  The glory, the presence of the Lord will be seen by others upon you, and they will come to you. As you seek the Lord, your light will get brighter!  Let us press on together in the race the Lord has set before us.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support.  Please consider monthly support for Gather the Outcasts Ministry, to continue the radio broadcasts, revivals, and the weekly prison services.  May God bless you as you pray.  In Christ, JIm   Gather the Outcasts Ministry, Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654   501(c)3   Paypal at  or    If you receive this letter as a forward from a friend and wish to be on the mailing list, email at

Monday, November 2, 2015

Orphanage Site Video

Dear beloved:   Above is a picture of the tree planting crew out at the Living Water Orphanage Site near Mumias, Kenya.  We planted over 500 trees on the place, including shade trees all around the perimeter, and about 50 fruit trees of various kinds, including banana, mango, and avocado.  I will be taking a team with me to Kenya next summer, if you think you would be interested in going, get in touch.
I have a new video posted on Facebook, talking with Pastor Obanda about the orphanage project. Click on this link to take you there, Please forward on to your facebook friends.
I also have a fundraiser page up for the orphanage, you can go to  to see the page.  Pray about making a donation, let's get this project moving and get fifty children into a good home and teach them about the love of Jesus.  There are links on the fundraiser page to send it to your facebook and email windows.
Beloved, I am looking for monthly partners who will pray for me and help sustain me in ministry to get all these projects accomplished.  If you would like to become a monthly partner with Gather the Outcasts Ministry, email and let me know. God has opened up a big door for preaching the gospel in the nations, as well as taking care of the orphans. All contributions are tax deductible. I will send a free copy of my new book, "Gather the Outcasts: Reaching the Lost in Africa" to all who make a donation the month of November.

1Samuel 7:8 And the children of Israel said to Samuel, Cease not to cry unto the Lord for us, that He will save us out of the hand of the Philistines. v9 And Samuel took a suckling lamb, and offered it for a burnt offering wholly to the Lord; and Samuel cried out to the Lord for Israel; and the Lord heard him. v10 And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel; but the Lord thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the Philistines, and confused them, and they were overcome before Israel.  Beloved, offer up an offering to the Lord and the enemy will flee before you, stand back and watch the Lord go to battle for you!  Thank you so much for your prayers and donations.
God bless you as you pray, in Christ, Jim   Gather the Outcasts, Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654  501(c)3  Paypal at  or          email at              Forward to friends on the forward link below.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Partner With Gather the Outcasts

Dear beloved:  I am sending out a link to a group fundraising site, this will facilitate a group effort to raise funds for the Living Water Orphanage Project in Kenya.  All you have to do is click on this link and it will automatically take you to the fundraising site.                                         LINK:
On the fundraising site there are links provided that will boost the post on facebook and twitter, or to email to a friend.  Check it all out, make your best contribution to the project, and then send it out on your social media. Pray about what God  would have you to do.

A couple of scriptures come to mind regarding this project.  First, Proverbs19:17 He who has pity on the poor lends to the poor, and He (God) will pay back what he has given.  And second, James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.  Why does James mention both God and the Father in the same sentence?  It is to remind us that our God is also the Father to the Fatherless, and to the broken and those who do not have earthly fathers. If you could all see what my eyes have seen in Africa regarding the plight of children who have no home, you would not hesitate for even a minute to lend to the poor.  My prayer is that many of you one day will be able to go there and see with your own eyes, the needs of these children and then the solution that the saints of God are going to provide.

The Living Water Orphanage will stand as a testimony not only to the children, but also to the neighbors and people across the earth about the love of Jesus.  It was prophesied over me this year when I was in Mumias working on the orphanage site: "My brother, now you are alone with God on this project. But in the days ahead many will come!"  Join with me as we unite the desire of the Father with His plan for these children. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!
Thank you for your prayers and contributions.  God bless you, Jim  Gather the Outcasts, Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654 501(c)3    If you receive this email from a forward link and wish to be on the email newletter list, contact me at

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Home Sweet Home!

Dear beloved:  Above pictures:  Top, Makarubi Choir at the Goma, Congo, Crusade; below, students crying out to the Lord at the Nairobi Kesha
I am happy to report that I have made it back to Kansas City, USA, and am resting comfortably here.  I thank God for the safe travel and good health over the many miles that I have traveled on this tour of Africa. It is good to see smooth roads again!  I will be spending a few days in the area with my two daughters and grandson, then will be going back out to Norton.

Thank you again to all you warriors for your prayers and support.  Testimonies of healings and how God stirred revival in all the places where meetings were held continue to pour in. To God goes the glory, He alone is worthy of our praise. I learned a short little chorus in Congo, " You are Alpha and Omega, We worship You alone, You are worthy to be praised!"

Matthew 9:35 Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness, and every disease among the people. v36 But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep without a shepherd. v37 Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. v38 Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."
Beloved, the harvest in Africa is plentiful. I pray that you would continue to partner with Gather the Outcasts Ministry to bring in the harvest, and to bring the healing power of the blood of Jesus to those who are weary and scattered. Pray about becoming a monthly partner.  I will be going back to Africa in the summer of 2016, to preach the gospel and help with the construction of the Living Water Orphanage project near Mumias, Kenya.  The  Lord has shown me He wants me to take a team to work on the orphanage project.  Would you consider going to Africa for a short term mission trip to work on the orphanage home for 50 children?  It would be a thrilling trip of a lifetime for you, and a blessing to the children in Kenya.  Pray about your involvement and email me if you think you would be interested.

If you have enjoyed the newsletters of the Africa mission, consider ordering a copy of my new book, "Gather the Outcasts: Reaching the Lost in Africa" The book chronicles many events of revivals and crusades held from 2010 to 2014.  You can order a copy on by clicking on this link.  Your purchase will help boost the ministry and spread the news  of the orphanage project. Also, if your church or missions organization would like to have me come share about the work with them, contact me and we can make plans for a date to come.

Thank you again for your prayers and support.  God bless you,  in Christ, Jim   Gather the Outcasts, Inc.  Box 92, Norton, Ks, 67654   501(c) 3  Paypal at  or    If you have received this letter from a forward link and wish to be on the mailing list, email me at    Feel free to forward to friends using Forward link at bottom of page.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Response from Student at Nairobi Kesha

Dear beloved:  Above are more pictures from the student kesha in Nairobi, where students from six universities gathered to offer up prayers to the Lord.  One of the students was moved to write a poem of how he was touched that night, I have posted it here for you to read.

A soul in the mass
Being at conviction
Rowh makes a ruling

Success shapes nations
love on the cross defines nations
Prosperity  moves and changes people
The will moves the soul
But, love defines them all!

Living again is not,
From shumbles to riches
But from great to greatness
With love of the Gospel
as the heart-beat of a born again

Jim gyms-up varsity souls
from shuckles of doom
To strongholds of the Gospel
From Kansas with nobility
Is such triumph to the Gospel
Heed to the calling, making a difference

                  William Kadima

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Nairobi Student Kesha

Dear beloved:  Above is a picture from the student Kesha held Friday night at Multimedia University in Nairobi.  We had about 125 students from six different universities, it was a time of great praise and worship, then preaching and crying out to the Lord.  I thought the roof was going to come off the place during the time of dancing and praise!  The Lord also provided me with a guitar to play, so I led a session of worship as well. We ended the Kesha on our knees and with our faces to the wall, crying out to the Lord for protection from the enemy, and to tear down strongholds of the enemy over the country. It is hard to put into words all that happened, just suffice it to say God knows the sum of it all- it was a very powerful time.  We are in expectation the Lord will do great and mighty things in response to the prayers.
Finished up the preaching on this tour of Africa by preaching today at Shiloh Wonders Worship in Embakasi, then also preached to a ladies group in the afternoon.  This has been an epic tour of preaching, all totalled I have preached about thirty times in the crusades, pastor conferences, and the various churches in three countries.  I thank God He has given the open doors, kept me stong, and blessed the messages every step of the way.  I will be posting more testimonies from various pastors in the days ahead.  If you want to see more pictures of the kesha, go to
I will be flying home on Tuesday, please pray for journey mercies through three flights and the long drive home.  Thanks again to all you warriors who have prayed and supported this tour.  I have had many awesome and humbling experiences serving the Lord, seeing so many make decisions to serve Him, and receive healings in the mighty name of Jesus.  If you would like for me to come share with your church or missions group regarding the Africa mission or the Living Water Orphanage project, contact me and we can make plans for a date to come.
May God bless you again for your faithfulness in standing with Gather the Outcasts in Africa.   blessings, in Christ, Jim   Gather the Outcasts, Box 92, Norton, Kansas, 67654  501(c)3     Paypal at  or      If you received this from a forward link and wish to be on the email newsletter list, email at

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Dear beloved:  Pictures above; 1. planting trees on Living Water Orphanage Land near Mumias, Kenya  2. tree planting crew, Pastor Lucas family. The young man at top left, Stephen, is the one who had HIV/AIDS four years ago when I came to preach crusade in Mumias.  We prayed for him and the Lord healed him of AIDS  3.  crusade meetings in Butembo, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Thank you so much for the prayers and support.  I am in Mumias, Kenya with Pastor Lucas and family, we are working on the orphanage land and making preparations to build.  The land is very nice, four acres of gently sloping farm land, just a mile or so from the church and a couple miles from Mumias.  The land has a small creek at the bottom of it, and an everlasting spring as well, all the land is suitable for growing corn or vegetables.  We planted ten fruit trees on Friday, mango, papaya, lemon, orange, and avocado.  We are going to plant banana, and eucalyptus for shade later this week, plus some more avocado and mango.
I am praying for the Lord to put the provision in hand so we can proceed to build.  I will be meeting with a contractor this week about building plans, as well as praying around the land.  Please join me in praying that God release the money so we can go ahead and provide a good Christian home for fifty children.   Would like to bring a crew back next summer to help with construction and work with the children.  Pray about coming to Kenya with me for a couple of weeks, it will be a trip like no other!

Orphanage needs this fall:  They would like to plant a corn crop in September,  they need $600 for seed and fertilizer.  Another blessing may be coming from the Lord: two acres that joins the Living Water Land on the top end is up for sale, at the same price of $3,000 per acre.  If we could get that we would have 6 acres and enough to be food self sufficient, it is all good land for all types of vegetable and grain production. If you can help with any of these needs, let me know at
Thank you again for your prayers.  In Christ, Jim            Gather the Outcasts, Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654  501(c)3     Paypal at

Kenya Orphanage Update

Dear beloved:  Pictures  Top left Butembo, Congo crusade.  top right  Butembo  Pygmie worship choir, yes!  above planting fruit trees at the Living Water orphanage site.   The little guy in the middle is Dellie, named after Dell computers.  I think he will grow up to be an IT specialist.
Thank you so much for the prayers and support.  May the Lord bless you all.  Planted 14 banana trees at the orphanage site yesterday, they take big holes. Planted them near the spring and expect them to get big and produce lots of good bananas.  Will be planting a few more next week and then a few avocado to wrap up the planting.

Will be moving on next week to Kalifi near Mombasa on the coast to preach with a pastor I met several years ago. Last weekend I preached in a local church, the Lord again gave me a word of knowledge about a wayward child that would be coming home.  Later in the week the pastor called and said an adult child that had been gone for years came home to the lady we prayed for at the church meeting.  It was a miracle, a testimony for the whole congregation!  Will be preaching at another local church  this weekend,  the church is one of the pastors who is on the LIving Water Orpahage Board here in Kenya.

 I am planning a big finale to the preaching ministry here.  On October 2  we will be holding an all night kesha, prayer and praise fest at Kenyatta University in Nairobi.  We have a big hall secured on campus and a team in place to promote and do the ground work setup.  This is a big open door the Lord has opened to reach university students in Kenya, as there will be students from several universities attending.  I am praying for a huge crowd and showers of blessings,  If you can help with the funding of the kesha, it would be greatly appreciated.  I am supplying security, musicians, posters, and a 2am snack!

We will pray till six in the morning for Kenya, for the students, for America, and for God to move in protecting this country from the hands of terrorists and those who would destroy.  Please join me in prayer and support.  God bless you as you pray, in Christ, Jim
Gather the Outcasts,  Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654   Paypal at   501(c)3 ministry.  forward link below.

Moving on to Mombasa

Dear beloved:  Above picture.  Children at the preschool of Pastor Lucas Obanda.  This is the church with whom we are building the orphanage.  Far left, Bishop Titus Lukale, board member of LIving Water Orphanage, Christa Bell, church preschool director, Robby Jorgeson, Pastor Lucas Obanda, Good Hope Fellowship, Mumias, Kenya.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support.  God is doing great and mighty things here.  Have wrapped up the planting on the orphanage land this week, will be moving on to Mombasa on the coast of Kenya.  I will be preaching in Kalifi at the church of Bishop Ernest Martin, speaking to bible college students during the week and meeting with government officials.

Have a need for solar expertise on the orphanage land, if anyone knows of someone with that type of expertise, have them get in touch with me.  We will be designing a solar pumping system to pump the water from the spring up the hill to the house and gardens.  We would also like to operate the house on solar as electricity here is Kenya is unreliable, and we are a distance from the existing lines. We checked the flow rate of the spring this week, it is flowing at the rate of about 10,000 gallons per day, so God has blessed us with much pure water.

The ministry finale is taking shape in Nairobi on October 2, where I will conduct an all night kesha, a prayer and worship extravaganza.  The Lord has blessed us with a big venue at Kenyatta University, one of the largest universities in Nairobi.  We will pray for the blessings of the Lord on Kenya, on the students, and also protection from the terrorists.  I will be preaching and also leading some worship.  Please pray about your part in helping to fund this kesha, it will be a big event with students from several universities attending.  I am needing about $1,000 for all the budgeted expenses.
Thank you again for your prayers.  May God richly bless you, in Christ, Jim  Gather the Outcasts, Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654 501(c)3
Paypal at

Miracles in Mombasa

Dear beloved:  Thank you so much for your prayers and support.  I am near Mombasa on the coast of Kenya, I have been preaching in house fellowships the last two days after arriving here by bus from Mumias.  The word of God goes forth with power, power to save, power to heal, and power to deliver.  I have prayed for many in the last two days who have been afflicted with all kinds of infirmities.  Many here have illness and pains, while doctors and medical care are in short supply.  This afternoon three ladies who were prayed for yesterday, came forward at the meeting and told of miraculous healings that the Lord Jesus had given them.  And today many more came forward for prayers, including a man with a brain tumor that had caused his eyesight to fail, as well as a young boy about ten years of age who was very weak, and I believe likely has HIV. But I am expecting God to do even more for them and many others in the days ahead, as I will be preaching tomorrow in a church in the area, as well as conducting meetings next week

The Lord is keeping me in good fashion as He alone knows the needs of His servants.  I am in a beautiful private villa, on a large estate just a short walk from the Indian Ocean.  It is very beautiful here, with all the canopy of tropical trees, and the fresh ocean breezes blowing in to take away the afternoon heat.  The estate is also home to chimpanzees and birds of all descriptions.  When taking a walk this morning, I was reminded of the scripture from Psalm 37:29 The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell in it forever. When taking territory from the enemy, God gives us the spoils of victory!

This area of Kenya is predominately muslim, but the Lord has brought me here to decree and declare over this area of the country, that He has given the nations to Jesus as His inheritance.  Many in the muslim faith are seeing Jesus in dreams and visions, pray with me that many will come to know Him as a result of this trip.  Just today I met a young muslim man named Juma while walking on the beach: he allowed me to pray with him that Jesus, the Son of the One True God, would reveal Himself to Juma in a personal way.  Pray that all the muslims in the coastal region of Kenya will come to know Jesus as Lord!
May God bless you today as you pray.  In Christ, Jim   Gather the Outcasts, Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654  501(c)3
 Paypal at        forwarding link below

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Burundi Crusade

Dear beloved:  More pictures from Burundi.  All praise, glory, and honor go to the Lord!  He is worthy of our praise.  God bless the precious people of Burundi, and God bless you prayer warriors for your faithfulness.  Heading out for Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo today.  There is a forwading link at the bottom of this page, feel free to forward to your friends.
in Christ, Jim     Gather the Outcasts, Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654 501(c)3

Monday, July 27, 2015

Prayers for Africa Mission

Dear Beloved: Time for departure is coming quickly, the Burundi Crusade will be two weeks from this weekend.  I thank all those who have been praying and sent donations, words of encouragement, and emails this past month.  I ask your prayers to continue as now the intensity of the missions starts to magnify.  We still are short about $10,000 to complete all that God has opened the door for. Please pray about your part in closing the gap, so the good plans of the Lord can go forward and nothing will be lacking.

 I am also having some issues with visas and Embassies in Washington, D.C., pray that all goes smoothly and the paperwork and documents will be in perfect alignment. The enemy is throwing up lots of roadblocks, so I know these meetings are going to be powerful.
I am believing the Lord is going to do something mighty in Burundi, as this will be my first time there.  The harvest is ripe and ready to bring in.  Please email me at if you have any questions about the budget or the mission, I would be happy to share with you.
Some have asked about the Kenya Living Water Orphanage project, I am not talking about it much as all focus for now is on the crusades.  We have the land purchased, surveyed and fenced, and we are waiting for the construction funding to come in.  So that is an ongoing prayer need. I will be spending time out at Mumias, Kenya, near the orphanage site, so will be able to get a first hand look at the site and pray over it.

Pick up a copy of the new book, "Gather the Outcasts: Reaching the Lost in Africa" through this link to amazon.  Just copy and paste in your browser, or if it shows up as a direct link, simply click on the link.   You will bless the ministry with your purchase and be encouraged in your own faith walk as well.

Thank you again for your prayers.  God bless you!  in Christ, Jim  Gather the Outcasts, Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Africa Mission Update July 2015

Dear beloved:  I ask for your prayers in the days ahead, as time is rapidly approaching for the upcoming crusades and revival meetings in Africa.  I have purchased tickets for the trip, stepping out in faith that "the Lord will provide all of my needs, according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."  I will be starting in Burundi August 7-9, then going on to Democratic Republic of Congo, then finishing up in Kenya with some student led all night kesha meetings.  It is going to be a power packed time of the harvest in Africa.

I am still several thousand short of the funds needed. Email me at for more details if you want to see the budget or want to discuss your giving.  We are now a 501(c)(3) ministry, so your gift will automatically be tax deductible.  I beleive the Lord wants to see His good plans established and that we would not be lacking in any way. Please consider sending a generous gift today so we can go forward with planning and make this the greatest time of harvest.  The gospel must be preached to all the nations, the time of the end is drawing near.

If you haven't ordered your copy of the new book "Gather the Outcasts: Reaching the Lost in Africa", I will send you a copy of the book for a gift of $100 or more.  The book is selling well and is a moving account of God's power on display in the revival meetings of the ministry the last five years in Africa.   Let me hear from you today. You can also purchase the book, click on this link  or copy and paste into browser and it will take you right to

Mailing address: Gather the Outcasts, Box 92, Norton, Kansas, 67654 or go to to Paypal your donation.  Thank you so much for your prayers and donations.  God bless you, in Christ, Jim

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Link to Order Book "Gather the Outcasts: Reaching the Lost in Africa" Through Amazon

Dear beloved:  Here is the link to order the book from Amazon.  The book is titled "Gather the Outcasts: Reaching the Lost in Africa."

Here is the link:   copy and paste into your browser and it will take you to order details on Amazon.

God bless you, in Christ, Jim

Gather the Outcasts Book Now Available on Amazon

Dear beloved:  I have some exciting news, the new book "Gather the Outcasts: Reaching the Lost in Africa", is now available for purchase on  I wrote the book this winter, and it is a compilation of stories of crusade and revival events that have happened in the last six years in Africa.  If you enjoy reading about the power of God to save and touch people's lives, you will enjoy this book. It is not a teaching manual, but an interesting read of how God moved in the meetings that I have had the privilege to hold over in Africa.  The book is 175 pages and packed with stories from Kenya, the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda.

If you want to preview it, copy and paste into your browser this link and it will take you to amazon       .

Feel free to forward this link on to your friends through facebook or twitter, I would like to get this out to as many as possible.

The Africa Mission 2016 is shaping up to be a blockbuster as well!  I will be starting out in Bujumbura, Burundi, the capital city of Burundi with a half million residents.  We are going to be there August 7-9 for a three day crusade and pastor training.  Then on to Butembo, Democratic Republic of Congo, for another three day crusade, then we will finish up in Goma, the capital of Noth Kivu State, where we were last year and in 2012.  I also have an all night kesha planned in September at Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya,  with university students. Some of students are survivors of the attack last winter at Garissa University, where 147 students were killed in a slaughter by terrorists.
We need partners to help finance the crusades, as it costs to share the gospel in these forums. The total budget for the three crusades is $23,000.  Costs include sound systems, security, posters and radio advertising, musicians and choirs, visas, and travel and lodging for myself.  Matthew 9:37 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. v38 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."   Please consider sending a donation today.

We are now a 501(c)(3) minsitry, so your donation will automatically be tax deductible.  Send to: Gather the Outcasts Ministry, Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654.  You can also donate via Paypal on the website,  I would like to hear from you today. Any donation of $100 or more, I will send you a copy of my new book, "Gather the Outcasts: Reaching the Lost in Africa."  May God bless you as you pray, in Christ, Jim