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Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Have Appointed You

Dear beloved: I have been reading a lot of Jeremiah lately, the weeping prophet, as this is a season when the Lord is stirring the prophets to cry out to the people of the events that are coming. Anyone with any prophetic gift at all is aware of the burden of being a watchman on the wall at this time, as the enemy surrounds us both within and without our nation and our families. To be a watchman is a high calling, it is not something that anyone would necessarily sign up for or volunteer readily for, it is a gift and mantle that God places on a person when He sees they have a willing and obedient heart.

Just as many of us are reluctant to prophesy or accept our calling, so too was Jeremiah reluctant. We all look for someone else to pick up the mantle when God is speaking to us. God made him aware of his calling in Jeremiah 1:4 Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, v5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." Then Jeremiah gives his response to the Lord, just as Moses, Isaiah, and many others, including you and me, give back to God all the reasons why we can't fulfill the calling of the Lord. v6 Then I said "Alas, Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to speak, Because I am a youth." v7 But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, I am a youth, Because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak. v8 Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you," declares the Lord.

Then the Lord stretched out His hand (v.9) and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth." And again in verse 12, Then the Lord said to me, "You have seen well, for I am watching over My word to perform it." Beloved, it is time for all of us who hear from the Lord to blow the trumpet, to sound the alarm. Warn the people, warn your family, now is the time to turn to the Lord with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind. I pray for each of you reading this that God will give you the strength to walk into your calling, to move into your destiny, to fulfill that purpose here on this earth that you were set aside for from the beginning. God knew you and set you aside before He formed you in the womb! What an awesome calling and responsibility. May God bless you this day as you move forward in the kingdom. In Christ, Jim

Friday, May 20, 2011

A New Chapter

Dear beloved: A new chapter in American history was opened on May 19,2011, by the president of this country when he asked the nation of Israel to give up land to the Palestinians and go back to the borders that existed prior to 1967. This is an unprecedented demand on the people of Israel and will not go unnoticed in the kingdom of heaven. That land was given to the children of Israel thousands of years ago, and was taken by them in more recent times when the Arab nations came against them in 1967. Genesis 12:6 And Abraham passed through the land unto the place of Shechem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land. v7 And the Lord appeared to Abraham and said, "To your descendants I will give this land." So he built an altar there to the Lord who had appeared to him. In Genesis 12:1 God speaks to Abraham, Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father's house, To the land which I will show you; v2 And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, And make your name great, And so you shall be a blessing; v3 And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.."

Beloved, God is separating the people of the world quickly as He prepares this world to receive His Son Jesus Christ. The separation is being brought about by events and circumstances that will inevitably cause people to make a choice between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. Our president and his advisors have devised a vain thing: a plan to take land away from Israel that was given to them in a sovereign act by the one who created them and the land, Jehovah God, the Creater of all things. Psalm 2:1 Why are the nations in an uproar, and the peoples devising a vain thing? v2 The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and His Anointed: "Let us tear their fetters apaart, and cast away their cords from us!" v4 He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them. v5 Then He will speak to them in His anger and terrify them in His fury: v6 But as for Me, I have installed My King upon Zion, My Holy Mountain."

v10 Now therefore, O kings, show discernment, Take warning, O judges of the earth. V11 Worship the Lord with reverence, and rejoice with trembling. v12 Do homage to the Son, lest He become angry, and you perish in the way, For His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are those who take refuge in Him! Beloved, now is the time to take refuge in Him, to pray as never before, pray for the president of this country that his heart would be turned toward the Lord, for our congress that they would be resolute in defense of Israel, for the people of Israel that they would be strong and courageous, and for the descendants of Ishmael, that they too would come to know the Lord and repent of their hatred towards God's children. The Lord's wrath will soon be kindled, prepare and stay on your knees, rejoice with trembling! God bless you this day, in Christ, Jim

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Kenya Mission

Dear beloved: Some of you who are reading this blog are wondering how you can effectively help to move the kingdom of God forward in a significant and meaningful way. You are in a position where you know and love the Lord God and yet you feel you are not doing enough to impact this world for the sake of the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. Beloved, we all know that the time is short, there is little time left to share the gospel with this lost and dying world. If you are in that category of wondering what you can do to help, know that God has led you to this blog and to this mission to take the gospel to the nations of the world.

The Lord has opened doors for me to preach crusades in two places in Kenya, the first in Kibera, the largest slum in Africa, and the second in western Kenya in the city of Mumias. Each of the crusades are being sponsored by pastor associations in those respective cities, and each will be 4 nights in the open air with African praise bands, dancers, and singers. It will be an exciting time in the Lord to see many come to the saving knowledge of Him. It has been prophesied over me that 800 people would come to know the Lord the first time that I speak over there, and the Lord would bring more if we just ask of Him; and a second prophesy spoken said that 681 people would receive miraculous healings on the second night of the crusade. So you can see the Lord has some mighty plans in store for these events.

You can help bring these events to pass primarily in two ways. 1) Intercede for these events to come to pass, that the Lord would strengthen me and the team that goes over, and pray also for provision, safety, good health, and protection from physical and demonic attack. 2) Some of you reading this blog are able to provide the provision necessary to make this mission possible. The budget for the two crusades is $20,000, which will include the necessary money for stage setup, sound rental, security, promotional advertising, and funds for pastor meals and training during the day of each crusade. If God is putting it on your heart to help fund these crusades, would you be obedient and answer the call? Get in touch with me through the contact information on the website if you have any questions or want to help to make these crusades a reality. I am walking in faith and believing God has brought someone to this site for this very purpose, and I am a willing vessel to go where God has called me to go to preach the word. May God bless you as you pray about your part in this mission, and may you respond accordingly to His call. God bless you, in Christ, Jim