Gather the Outcasts

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Africa Trip 2017

Dear beloved:  Pics above: left, 2016 Africa team, l to r, Steve, Chad, Jim, Staci  Masai Mara in the background; right, Steve getting ready to go on a lion hunt with the Masai brothers
Matthew 9:36 But when He saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. v37 The he said unto His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; v38 Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth workers into His harvest."
Beloved, time to start thinking about going into the harvest field in Africa with Gather the Outcasts Ministry.  The harvest is truly ripe and ready to gather in.  There is a special blessing for those who go forth; it's that thirty, sixty, and hundredfold blessing that comes when we leave our farm, our home, our business, our comfort zone, to go and work for the Lord Jesus. We will be taking a team in July for two weeks to work at the Living Water Orphanage site in Kenya, then wrap up our time there with a trip to the Masai Mara Wildlife Preserve. Just thinking about it should stir up some excitement in you, that's the Holy Spirit stirring up your spirit.  Email me for the complete itinerary.  God bless you as you pray!
In Christ, Jim  Gather the Outcasts, Inc., Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654  Paypal @ or   Email: rowh

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