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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Plans for Kenya 2012

Dear beloved: I am currently in the initial planning stages for a return trip to Kenya in August 2012. I have been talking to various people and it looks like a worship team and possibly some other indiviuals will also be going with me. I have one committed crusade on the schedule, that will be in Mumias in western Kenya. We will be there for about a week, with a 5 or 6 day crusade and pastor training conference included in the schedule. We will also be looking to add another week of crusades and teaching in Nairobi area with another pastor association.

Please be in prayer for the planning of this mission trip, with the main focus of prayer to be in the following areas: 1. for the members of the team to be fully committed to their walk with the Lord and this evangelism outreach, 2. for provision to come in and we would not be lacking in anything that we need to successfully complete the mission, 3. for safe travel and good health for all, 4. that many would be saved and come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, 5. that signs, wonders, and miracles would follow each of us and many would receive a miraculous touch from the Lord, 6. that the Lord would give us all specific revelation so we can more effectively minister in every situation. For those of you who feel a special burden to pray for this mission, to be an intercessor, please let me know at and I will keep in touch with you and keep you abreast of developments before we leave and as we are in the country of Kenya.

I would like to come visit your church or men's group and share about this ministry and the exciting opportunities in Kenya as we go forward. If you would like to have me to come speak to your group, please contact me through the email address given above. The Lord wants me to expand the territory and build a bigger team of support for the end time harvest. Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost; v20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

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